Kursus ini akan melengkapkan pelajar dengan teori-teori yang perlu untuk memahami
keadaan pascakolonial yang dikongsi bersama oleh masyarakat-masyarakat yang pernah
dijajah. Pelajar akan didedahkan kepada cara mengenal pasti teori dan isu pascakolonial dalam teks multimodal kreatif dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Mereka akan didedahkan kepada cara menjana dan membentang isu-isu penting seperti isu identiti, pembinaan negara bangsa,kewarganegaraan, semangat kebangsaan dan juga persoalan kacukan, gambaran kolonial dan wacana pascakolonial yang menentang arus perdana. Pada akhir kursus, pelajar sepatutnya mampu menjana analisa yang kritis mengenai isu-isu teori pascakolonial yang tersirat pelbagai teks multimodal kreatif dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
This course will provide students with the theories necessary for a full understanding of the postcolonial conditions shared by all previously colonized societies. They will be guided into identifying key postcolonial theoretical issues in colonialist as well as postcolonial multimodal creative texts in English. They will be guided into ways in which to present crucial issues as the quest for identity, notions of nation, nationality, nationalism and nation-building, the question of hybridity, colonial representation and postcolonial counter-discourses as revealed in their responses to the various multimodal creative texts in English. At the end of the course students should be able to critically analyse literary texts through their depiction of key postcolonial theoretical issues.
keadaan pascakolonial yang dikongsi bersama oleh masyarakat-masyarakat yang pernah
dijajah. Pelajar akan didedahkan kepada cara mengenal pasti teori dan isu pascakolonial dalam teks multimodal kreatif dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Mereka akan didedahkan kepada cara menjana dan membentang isu-isu penting seperti isu identiti, pembinaan negara bangsa,kewarganegaraan, semangat kebangsaan dan juga persoalan kacukan, gambaran kolonial dan wacana pascakolonial yang menentang arus perdana. Pada akhir kursus, pelajar sepatutnya mampu menjana analisa yang kritis mengenai isu-isu teori pascakolonial yang tersirat pelbagai teks multimodal kreatif dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
This course will provide students with the theories necessary for a full understanding of the postcolonial conditions shared by all previously colonized societies. They will be guided into identifying key postcolonial theoretical issues in colonialist as well as postcolonial multimodal creative texts in English. They will be guided into ways in which to present crucial issues as the quest for identity, notions of nation, nationality, nationalism and nation-building, the question of hybridity, colonial representation and postcolonial counter-discourses as revealed in their responses to the various multimodal creative texts in English. At the end of the course students should be able to critically analyse literary texts through their depiction of key postcolonial theoretical issues.